Multi Domain Manager is the ultimate marketing solution for anyone wanting to build and manage multiple websites fast without having to spend a fortune on web design cost or the need to have any web design or technical experience.
Build and manage all your sites from one console...
Simply log in... choose a site and start editing or adding pages... it is really that easy.
Every site is it's own unique can build as many pages, add unlimited videos and images and a whole lot more.
The CMS (content management system) that powers each website is super easy to use...
It's basically a case of point and click... edit and update... all changes and edits are done in an instant... so you can see your changes live on your site seconds after you make them.
No more wasting time with tech talking, expensive web designers that want to pretend that they are the only ones that know how to do all the techie stuff...
Not any more.... Multi Domain Manager solves all your problems...
Multi Domain Manger takes away the 3 biggest barriers to building multiple websites and making money online...
No more waiting months, going back and forth and getting caught up with how smart or efficient your web guy is..
Most only know how to use a few wordpress themes and outsource all the tech stuff anyway...
In fact ... just about everyone is calling themselves a web designer today... all they need to know is how to set up a wordpress theme and all of a sudden they are a guru... and business owners are giving them money...
It's only when months pass by and you don't get what you thought you were getting when you start to realise that your web guy is not all they made themselves out to be...
How much did your first webite cost you.... or maybe you haven't got one yet because the quotes you are getting are absurd.... The typical web guy has to make wages right?
Did you know that the average wage now for a web design is $45k - $50k...
They are dime a dozen... yet they think they are worth $5-6k per website.. no way!
Sure there are some top designers out there that deserve their fees... but most are just people that have worked out how to use some opensource platform and customise a few themes...
big whoopee do... with an hour or two you could know as much as them!
Some business owners are 6-9 months down the track and still haven't got a website!
Technical Knowhow
In the past you had to know something about web design (a little at least) or have some technical experience.
Not any more...
MDM is built on the worlds easiest content management system... it's built by a non technical person who realised that most people are not technical either....
So he decided to invest in building the worlds easiest content management system....
MDM uses the EziWebManager CMS platform...
Anyone... of any age, shape, size and mental ability can build sites using it....
Even a 6 year old kid could do it....
A 55 year old handyman can do it...
and YOU will be able to do it too.
This website is powered by EziWeb